
01.15.2025: 代表取締役交代のお知らせ 

11.20.2024: 株式会社Kyuluxと日本曹達株式会社、 有機EL発光材料の量産体制構築に向け資本業務提携契約を締結

07.01.2024: Kyulux、最高財務責任者 (CFO)に柳 志明(Jimyeong Yu)を任命

12.01.2023: Kyulux、シリーズ Cで42.7億円の資金調達に成功

10.03.2023: 【訃報】取締役の逝去に関するお知らせ

04.21.2023: Kyulux、 JST との新技術開発委託契約を締結

04.14.2023: 新任役員就任および人事異動に関するお知らせ

04.04.2023: WiseChip、Hyperfluoresence™ 発光技術を使用した新しいPMOLED ディスプレイを発表

02.14.2023: Kyuluxの次世代有機EL発光技術で省エネルギーに期待-青色Hyperfluorescence™製品の早期実用化に向けNEDOの技術開発支援事業に採択

02.19.2021: Kyulux, シリーズB-primeで36億円強を調達 製品開発の加速と生産体制、ビジネス体制を強化  

02.19.2021: 究極の有機EL発光技術Hyperfluorescence™の基本特許の譲渡による実用化の加速 

02.01.2021: Kyulux, 中野伸之氏を新社長 兼 CEOに任命

11.04.2020: 次世代有機ELの高効率化・長寿命化に成功~マテリアルズ・インフォマティクスで開発期間を短縮

10.14.2020: 日本曹達株式会社との次世代有機 EL 新規化合物に関する共同開発契約締結のお知らせ

04.27.2020: Kyulux commences shipment of TADF / Hyperfluorescence™ OLED materials

10.21.2019: Kyulux acquired ISO9001 certification

10.17.2019: Wisechip launches the world’s first Hyperfluorescence OLED display- a 2.7-inch yellow PMOLED

07.29.2019: Kyulux wins the Japan Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry JST Academic Startups Award

05.27.2019: Kyulux completes its Series B funding round and raises $31.8 million

08.30.2018: Kyulux chosen by Samsung Display and LG Display as Blue TADF and Hyperfluorescence™ developer

07.18.2018: Kyulux dramatically improves the performance of its blue Hyperfluorescence OLED emitters

05.30.2018: Kyulux and Wisechip unveiled a flexible HF PMOLED display

02.13.2018: Kyulux announces management changes

07.18.2017: Kyulux and WiseChip Collaborating to Commercialize TADF and Hyperfluorescence OLED Product

06.08.2017: Kyulux Announces Addition of Dr. Chris Brown to Management Team as VP of Products

05.22.2017: Nanoco and Kyulux Inc. Sign Agreement to Develop Next Generation Displays (Japanese version)

05.18.2017: Kyulux launches a new web site

09.21.2016: Kyulux to be elected 2016 Top 100 Asia Winners (Red Herring Global Top 100)

08.15.2016: Kyulux Announces License of Harvard Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence Platform for OLED Development and Hiring of OLED Research Team

07.15.2016: Kyulux Co-founder, Prof. Chihaya Adachi at Kyushu-University, awarded the 4th Research Front Award.

04.06.2016: Kyulux, Inc. Announces $13.5 Million Dollar Series A Financing and Acquisition of Large OLED Patent Portfolio from Kyushu University

02.25.2016: Kyulux raises 1.5B Yen from third party investment

04.01.2015: Kyulux started its business

03.09.2015: Kyulux is founded